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Week 4 Blog: Marketing Objectives

Marketing objectives are statements that is make to reach goal that put companies in the right direction it is clear and specific action. It can be measurable, time based which is refer to smart goals. It is how successful the company going to base on the goals and adjustments that begin make. A SWOT analysis…

Week 3-1: Blog Market Segmentation

When developing a marketing plan you need to find out who is your target market it is very important to know your potential customer base. It give us ways capture shares of the business and create interest because some people may share various characteristics of what we are doing. The tools I am going focus…

8-2 Blog: Trends

A big debate going on if robots will replace some jobs but it already starting automation machines already took over 400,000 jobs from 1990 to 2007 and there estimate there 2 million on it way that big increase from previous decades. It seem robots get the job done and save the company money. The rise in…

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